Wednesday, October 04, 2006


what comes to your mind when you think of the word 'teacher'?

a teacher is someone who imparts knowledge - supposedly. 
but teaching is more than just downloading information to your listeners. our youths 
are not just picking up words, they pick up our body languages, our bad habits; 
they look at our attitude, our behavior, our dressings and make-ups. It's not an easy
job, and who can control his tongue perfectly? The tongue is a small part of the body,
but it makes great boasts, and the man who can control it is perfect.

is teaching just about talking? or living? it's not easy. and you have assignments to mark.
you have data entry to do. you have to do this and do that, counsel this and that, solve this
and that. you are fantastic. you are simply unbelievable. hang in there, and consider it pure
joy, my dear brothers, when u undergo trials of all kinds, bcuz u know that the testing of your faith
develops perseverance; and perseverance must finish its work, so that we will be mature and
complete, not lacking anything.

God bless you teachers!!!