Have you formed your resolve?
Before I disappear into the mountains for the next few days... Here's smth for your enjoyment :)
In order to attain Bankai, I've resolved to train hard this holidays!!
Before I disappear into the mountains for the next few days... Here's smth for your enjoyment :)
In order to attain Bankai, I've resolved to train hard this holidays!!
Posted by
8:25 AM
See this?
This is the place where I learn Maya animation from. Comics & animation have always been close to my heart and I believe it is God's calling for my life. I enjoyed the course very much, but never really graduated from it. The first reason is I dun have enuff practice and the second is I haven invested enuff time in it. I can't afford the software, and I needed practice. Sadly my comp is also not powerful enuff to support the thing. Nevertheless it's still my burning desire to enter this industry :)
God has used the past few years in my life to help me ascertain what he really wants for my life. Seng lee once said, "God is most glorified when we are most satisfied." At that time I couldn't figure what that meant. But I guess I'm slowly beginning to understand it. I'm not anywhere near mastering maya enuff to break into the industry yet. I dun wanna use pirated software. And I'm also not doing anything related to animation in my job. But I'm sure God will help me figure a way thru this. If it's a real passion, I dun think it will die so easily. At least I know God will not let it die so easily... :)
Posted by
7:40 PM
Is church service getting too boring?
Research said that we remember 10% of what we hear, 20% of what we see and hear, and 70-80% if we teach it. The conclusion: We remember what we use. And we forget what we don't. Ever forgot how to walk? Or eat? You won't even if you suffer a serious head injury :) And you never get bored with that. :)
SO why is church service getting boring? (Seriously speaking, I find SOL boring as well..., except SOL 3, but that's cuz its taught by seng lee) So why?
I suspect its the form of communication. With my mind getting younger by the years, I begin to discover how difficult it is to sit still for 1 hr straight staring at a person. Goodness, I feel so restless.... Thus, I suspect a lot of creativity is dying in the church as well. I wan to reverse the situation. Something is just not right. Even YC said we had to involve the young pple to do the 'bigger' things. I can't agree any further. It's probably time, that the youth service be led not by the old pastors... but the youths amongst us. Do we really believe in them or do we not?
Posted by
6:02 PM
Posted by
8:20 AM