Monday, April 30, 2007

my covenant with my soul

Dear soul,

Have u forgotten?
That the LORD God Almighty reigns in heaven?
That in the days of old he set the limits to the skies and placed boundaries on the seas?
That he took dust in his hands and gave it life?
That he places his commands in you so that he can preserve u?

Let's re-evaluate the whole journey up till now.
We enter into a phase of this journey.
We must learn to let go of the past.
We must understand that the past remains as the past and has no power over the future.
We must remeber that in God it is never too late to have a fresh start.
And we must reach and take hold of that which is stored up in the future.

As long as you still breathe and I still breathe, just live.
Live everyday to the fullest.
Live everyday to glorify God.
Cause thats the only way to live.
Don't live for yourself, for that's the surest way to lose.
Live for God, and lose it for him, since everything we seek to store up in him doesn't vanish.
Live to serve him.
Die to serve him.
Let this life count - if this life holds no other meaning - then make it one that counts for Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

